We are living in smart environment where we digitize all
possible mundane tasks that could ease our life. We have replication for every
action that we see in our environment; or rather I’ll say our inventories are just
copies of the fundamentals from our environment. Whatever we discovered so far
is in our world, may be slightly in different format, so it will be in future.
Now the thought- similar to the ZEN
story, what if, over generations or rather over various phases of lives, we
just copied what existed? We always have queries about the creator of this universe;
theories about GOD and EVIL.
Now think about this:
“We are developing many technologies and
features and we are developing Robots. For them, electricity and the kernel
code are the two major components of their life. Electricity is that they need
to function- the energy source and they got motors which functions on
electricity; there is a micro-kernel code or the machine code, the program we
written that determines their intelligence, behavior and every single
action. Though they have super
calculation powers with which they can calculate what will happen next, they
are not equipped to change it since the control is in our hands”.
The case is same with our life, isn’t it? Man proposes god
We will have big
plans for a day or for an event, but simply, we won’t make it, just as robots
Bagavat Gita says – “What is yours today, belonged to
someone else yesterday, and will belong to someone else the day after tomorrow”
and “Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is
happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good
only” how can someone be so sure about it?
I always wondered how come such big
books, Mahabharata and Ramayana survived the environmental changes, the
language changes and other stuff I can’t list here (I do not know all of them).
It is possible if the creator want to pass down some information to us; indeed it
can survive all these problems.
Tell me why do we
need computers or robots? After all we are teaching them, coding them what to
do, how to do and when to do. The answer
is – “though we are capable of doing many things, we are not fully capable of
doing all of them”. So we created computers and robots to solve the problems we
have; similarly in future robots may create something new to solve issues they
have until the very question is answered.
It is a chain, a chain of lives; as in programming we have
recursive functions which call itself with different set of parameters which
also will have logic to end the recursive calls.
Someone, more than a single GOD and SATAN, who created us,
may also have so-called GOD & SATAN. It’s a chain and we - humans are in
“Nth” position and robots may be in N+1. Those who were in N-1 position had
skill to develop the various species that we are seeing now.
So what was/is the problem that level-1 species faced which
forced them to design such a beautiful chain process?
If we consider the fact that we are still alive to get the
results of our program then where are they now, the level-1 species, the root
node GOD or SATAN?
Can we do some debugging? Understand the logic that stops
this recursive call? May be that will answer the question “what is the meaning
of our life?”