Curated e-newspaper

Indeed it’s the time where digital media rules and all are stepping towards e-reading.
Having said that, it’s also true, reading a physical news-paper in morning with a cup of hot coffee or tea is a special feeling.

Oh boy, we forget. Global warming, the evergreen buzz word, how can we forget that?  To have physical paper we need to cut trees and waste pure water in aplenty. So (or we all) are against that. So what do we do?

You might have heard of curated web, similarly why can not we have a curated e-papers?  A customized new paper brings only that news in which we are interested. It can be local news, sports, education, events, arts related, innovation, science, technology front; end of my thinking capacity!

All users will have at least one custom profile; they will insert the magic-sheet [refer the definition below] into the printer and they select their profile and print the paper. It will also be possible to read those contents in your laptop, mobile, iPad, tablet and blah blah blah.

This opens up a news arena for advertising, advertisements will go only to those guys who are interested in specific fields. Say as an engineer I am interested in technical gadgets and I am subscribed to the technical news; being a leading Smartphone maker, Samsung will be happy to push his advertisement column to me rather than giving it to a person who have technophobia.  This method improves their hit-ratio and reach-to-apt-audience; ensures the value-for-money.

Now what?! As you know, every company spends a huge amount for public presence and advertisements. If they can achieve what they are targeting with lesser money, then they would cut-down the product price.   Sounds good. Isn’t it?

So why can’t we have one?

Technical description (rather expectation)


It is made up of artificial components, decomposable, degradable, and recyclable.  It changes its color to white, to make it suitable for better reading, when a specific amount of heat, electricity or X (can be any thing) passes though it, like the dial in digital watches, only few portions turn dark dude to crystal rearrangements when electricity pass through it.


Yesterday was just another day, nothing much unusual  except the ten minutes delay n train which is quite natural with Indian railway.
       As the train gain momentum, I happened to notice the wall that read "God helps the humble & punishes the arrogant", the one forced me to wear the thinking cap again.  

       Its humble men's practice to thank god after remarkable achievement in their life, irrespective of the religion or race. It is said that in each victory, 50% of the share goes to the person and so does to thee. So ....
If the 50% share, god's, is constant, then its the remaining pie that makes the difference; so IMO there is nothing wrong if the individual show-off. But if its not fixed, then its god who exhibits some form of partiality.

any takers?!

tablet computers

And now we know that the world is heading towards the tablet computers. So what’s your pick?

Its pretty simple question for some of you, the one loves brand will have the obvious, either iPAD or Samsung Note.  But how many of you think beyond it? How many of you can think about your needs?
It’s a matter of fact that most of us are not using the facilities that are available in our cell phone or the desktop. But when you look at west, you could see the big line on the launch day to grab their favorite, similar one you can spot outside out liquor shops; is that only reason why we choose the same?  They have money so do we; they choose Apple or sample so do we!!!

            You may argue that quality is different in each; I do agree; being a quality engineer by profession I have no second thought about it. But for me, the questions are “who are you, what your needs are and what’s your budget?” here I must admit that even I failed to explore all the features that were available in my cell phones. [I used almost all feature in my first phone, Nokia 1110i, still its up and running]. You think about your needs; is it like you don’t want waste a second when receive an email? Or you want to stay plugged in to all networking sites where you have a gate pass? Or you just want to surf net occasionally?

Have you ever thought of your privacy? Personally I dot not like someone peep into my personal life, where am going, whom I am meeting, what am I doing… why the hell someone else want to know all these?
I can share some memories; the one I feel is ok if go public. But it’s unlike some other’s – I checked in here, having coffee with XYZ and heading towards hell in a car and its plate read blah blah blah …

Back to the context; what’s your pick?

For those who are not brand conscious and consider their needs before jump out for something that selling overseas, here you have two options; indeed the ones can fit your pockets; HCL ME and Micromax fun-book, priced under 8K with android version 4, ice-cream sandwich , specially designed for tablet computers. Both have 7” screen and 512 RAM. [You may think 512 is not enough to power a tablet, I have a cell phone with 3.75” screen and 150 RAM; its doing OK and sometime its bit slow; a 256 would be enough for my cell and 512 is apt for these tablets; but having said that, it is true that this is not enough for gaming].

All of them primarily targets students up to 10+2. I believe that if a device can work well in student’s hand then it can work will all; because students are the one always think out of box always and does stuffs which are  beyond its reach. So I hope, soon we can see our little brothers and sisters carrying just a tablet with them while entering school.

The hypothesis on recursive call of life :: An attempt to understand the secret of life

We are living in smart environment where we digitize all possible mundane tasks that could ease our life. We have replication for every action that we see in our environment; or rather I’ll say our inventories are just copies of the fundamentals from our environment. Whatever we discovered so far is in our world, may be slightly in different format, so it will be in future.

Now the thought- similar to the ZEN story, what if, over generations or rather over various phases of lives, we just copied what existed? We always have queries about the creator of this universe; theories about GOD and EVIL.
Now think about this:
 “We are developing many technologies and features and we are developing Robots. For them, electricity and the kernel code are the two major components of their life. Electricity is that they need to function- the energy source and they got motors which functions on electricity; there is a micro-kernel code or the machine code, the program we written that determines their intelligence, behavior and every single action.  Though they have super calculation powers with which they can calculate what will happen next, they are not equipped to change it since the control is in our hands”.

The case is same with our life, isn’t it? Man proposes god disposes!

 We will have big plans for a day or for an event, but simply, we won’t make it, just as robots fail.

Bagavat Gita says – “What is yours today, belonged to someone else yesterday, and will belong to someone else the day after tomorrow” and “Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good only” how can someone be so sure about it?

I always wondered how come such big books, Mahabharata and Ramayana survived the environmental changes, the language changes and other stuff I can’t list here (I do not know all of them). It is possible if the creator want to pass down some information to us; indeed it can survive all these problems.

 Tell me why do we need computers or robots? After all we are teaching them, coding them what to do, how to do and when to do.  The answer is – “though we are capable of doing many things, we are not fully capable of doing all of them”. So we created computers and robots to solve the problems we have; similarly in future robots may create something new to solve issues they have until the very question is answered.

It is a chain, a chain of lives; as in programming we have recursive functions which call itself with different set of parameters which also will have logic to end the recursive calls.
Someone, more than a single GOD and SATAN, who created us, may also have so-called GOD & SATAN. It’s a chain and we - humans are in “Nth” position and robots may be in N+1. Those who were in N-1 position had skill to develop the various species that we are seeing now.

So what was/is the problem that level-1 species faced which forced them to design such a beautiful chain process?

If we consider the fact that we are still alive to get the results of our program then where are they now, the level-1 species, the root node GOD or SATAN?

Can we do some debugging? Understand the logic that stops this recursive call? May be that will answer the question “what is the meaning of our life?”


Just as Mr. K.M.Soni last escort vehicle left, I noticed a man coughing vigorously because of the smoke and dust that the series of corollas and innovas had left behind. A second glance at that man left a mark in my brain. His physique told a tale that was quite contradictory to the politician who just left.

He was very much a bag of bones and hollow cheeks often rubbing his tired face on the loose sleeves. I can still remember his sunken eyes that told a story of its own-a story of struggle and Satyagraha.  They were magnified so shoddily with the spectacles he wore. Those eyes still held the hope - hope for a change...

Then I noticed the little board he was carrying and the contents it held "Water for Tamilians & safety for Malayalees”.

I was still coming out of the Christmas hangover even though it was past noon. Thanks to my dear Amigos who always ensure that I keep on floating in the dream world for at least 14 hours especially because now I am a free bird with no more court martial at home. And I could not blame them completely; last night was too icy as well.

As I crossed the same place the next day, my eyes still searched for him. I don’t precisely know the reason though. .I found some newspapers, spectacles and a pair of shoes, unattended and shattered.

“Oh my god, what a night it was?! It’s the first time, may be the record low I ever hit. Just now I managed to start my jeep. Horrible! ” I overheard someone.

My wait was meaningless, though digested slowly, mechanically I was walking towards my car.

 Poor guy! Why and for whom?

For the 3.5 million innocents, who will get swept away in their sleep, from earth within no time? Or, was that for the political opportunist, the puppet-show masters?  

 Its getting late for me, miles to go…

 Then, you won the world with AHIMSA but now..?!

I am hoping for a better tomorrow and gearing up; and I have taken good care of the spectacles and the old board placed over side seat.

My journey continues...

Translation: Anju Thomas